Mosquito Dunks are Here!

Mosquito Dunks

Cutter Insect Repellent, Backwoods, wristband & Mosquito Dunks

With all this rain, mosquitos are ready to pounce. Standley Feed & Seed carries natural mosquito repellants this season.

Mosquito Dunks are non-toxic to all other wildlife, pets and humans other than mosquitos. A Mosquito Dunk looks like a small, beige donut which floats on standing water. As the Dunk slowly dissolves, it releases a bacterium which is toxic to all species of mosquito larvae. Mosquito dunks offer 30 days of mosquito control.

Standley Feed & Seed offers many other pest control products and sprays for humans, pets and livestock.

Come by to speak with our lawn and garden experts at Standley Feed and Seed and keep your outdoor activities pest-free this season.


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